Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
What you'll be getting:
Salmon with Butternut Squash Croquettes

Per Serving
6 oz salmon
100 g veggies (romanesco and broccolini tossed in salt, pepper, lemon juice and avocado oil)
100 g croquettes (butternut squash, nutritional yeast, fines herbes, garbanzo bean flour, cilantro, panko bread crumbs)
2 oz seasoning sauce (yogurt*, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, fines herbes, cilantro, salt, pepper)
*dairy-free sauce does not have yogurt
Equipment needed: 1 non-stick pan, 1 sheet pan
Preheat oven to 375.

Place the croquettes and veggies on a sheet pan. When the oven reaches 375, place the sheet pan in the oven and set a timer for 20 minutes.

Flip salmon over and sear for another 2 minutes.
Pull veggies and croquettes from the oven.
To finish, drizzle a little sauce over the fish and veggies. From start to finish this meal is finished in 25 minutes. Enjoy.

When your timer has 10 minutes remaining, start heating up your pan with the oil. When hot, add the salmon. Sear for 2 minutes.

After you finish searing, place a lid on the pan and let the salmon sit in the hot pan until the timer goes off.
Plate up the salmon and veggies. If you would like a little more color on the croquettes you can place them under the broiler for a minute or two. Keep an eye on them though, you don't want them to burn.