Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
What you'll be getting:
Creamy Tomato Pasta with Ground Turkey

Per Serving:
125 g ground turkey (with salt, pepper and oil added)
125 g veggies (peppers, cabbage, onions, carrots, zucchini, kale)
4 oz fresh pasta *
3/4 c creamy tomato sauce (chickpeas, tomatoes, onions, garlic, Italian Seasoning, salt, pepper, oil)
Equipment needed: 1 pan large enough for all ingredients, 1 pot of water
*GF Pasta is Cappello's, Fettuccine

Start boiling water for pasta. While the water is coming to a full boil, start heating up your other pan on high heat. When hot, add the turkey.

Stir together the meat and veggies and place a lid on the pan to speed up cooking. Cook on medium heat until veggies are tender, about 5-10 minutes.
Cook until the meat has a little color and then add the veggies. Lower the setting to a medium heat.

After your veggies are tender you can add the pasta to the water. You don't want to add the pasta before the veggies are ready because it cooks very quickly. For regular pasta it will cook in 2-3 minutes, for the GF pasta it will cook in 30 sec-1 minute.

Turn the heat off of the veggies and meat and when the pasta is finished, transfer it to the veggie/meat mixture. You can strain using a colander, or by using tongs. Next, add the sauce.

Mix everything together making sure the pasta gets coated with the sauce.

From start to finish this dinner takes roughly 15 minutes. Enjoy!