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Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
What you'll be getting:
Ground Beef with Summer Veggies and Quinoa

Per Serving:
4 oz ground beef (mixed with salt, pepper and a little garlic)
130 g veggies (corn, peppers, green onions, zucchini, cabbage, chard)
3/4 c cooked white quinoa
2 T seasoning sauce (lemon juice, safflower oil, fines herbes, nutritional yeast, salt, pepper)
Equipment needed: Pan or pot, large enough for all of the ingredients
Heat up a pan on high heat, when hot, add the ground beef, smash the beef down a bit with a spatula so it will cook in smaller pieces. Cook until the beef is brown, 4-8 minutes depending on the serving size.

Next, add the chard. Cook until it begins to wilt, this will only take a minute or 2.
When the beef is brown, add the veggies. Cook until the peppers begin to soften, 2-4 minutes.

Stir together the mixture and plate. From start to finish this dinner does not take longer than 15 minutes. Enjoy!
After the chard has cooked, add the seasoning sauce, and quinoa directly after. Be careful of the steam.

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